The Missionary

The Missionary is a religious fanatic, driven to spread their Truth throughout the galaxy. As a Missionary, you will diligently work to make converts to your religion at every world you visit.

Every turn, each ship you have on a fleet not At Peace has a 10% chance of converting one population on the world below to your religion. Once you have converts on the world, the converts themselves will also convert more population: each convert has a 10% chance of converting an additional population every turn. If you own the world, then any normal population growth will be all converts.

Finally, you can migrate converts to a neighboring world from any world that has industry--you can migrate one convert per unit of industry (and metal), each turn.

You will continue to get reports on a world every turn you have converts there, even if you lose ownership of it (or never had ownership of it). If at any time the converts reach 100% of the population, you will automatically capture the world, even if your ships are nowhere near it. Likewise, another player cannot capture any world from you that is 100% converts, unless they manage to convert some of them back first.

Another player can try to un-convert your converts by bribing them with consumer goods. Each consumer good unloaded at a world has a 50% chance of unconverting one convert. Alternatively, a player can fire at the converts, killing them (but they become martyrs to your cause, earning you points).

As a Missionary, you are generally a pacifist. You lose points for firing at other players. However, you may pronounce Judgment at any point during the game, naming one other player as your enemy. Once you have pronounced Judgment, you will from that point on no longer lose points for firing at your declared enemy (but you still lose points for firing at other players). In fact, you will gain points for each of your enemy's population that you kill. You cannot unpronounce Judgment, but you can pronounce a new Judgment against a different enemy; this will replace the previous Judgment. You can change your mind about who your enemy is every turn, if you like, but each turn there is only one particular enemy.

Once you have pronounced Judgment, you no longer gain points for people killing your converts, no matter who kills them.

A Missionary on Judgment is the only character type besides a Positronix who can drop a PBB (a Planet Buster Bomb) without losing points--provided you drop it on a world owned by your declared enemy.

Missionaries earn points according to the following tables.

In the Classic game, before pronouncing Judgment:

Each convert killed by another player (martyrs)1
Each shot fired-1
Each world owned5
Each world with 100% converts5
Each 10 converts1

In the Classic game, after pronouncing Judgment:

Each convert killed by another player0
Each shot fired at your enemy0
Each shot fired at someone else-1
Each enemy population killed2
Dropping a PBB on your enemy0 (+ population)
Each world owned5
Each world with 100% converts5
Each 10 converts1

In the Advanced game, before pronouncing Judgment:

Each convert killed by another player (martyrs)2
Each shot fired-1
Each world owned5
Each world with 100% converts5
Each 5 converts1

In the Advanced game, after pronouncing Judgment:

Each convert killed by another player1
Each shot fired at your enemy0
Each shot fired at someone else-1
Each enemy population killed3
Dropping a PBB on your enemy0 (+ population)
Each world owned5
Each world with 100% converts5
Each 5 converts1