
The galaxy consists of a number of worlds, most of which are initially unowned by any player. The precise number of worlds varies per game (and is loosely based on the number of players); in any particular game, there may be dozens of worlds, or there may be hundreds.

Most worlds are connected to two, three, or four other worlds. Some worlds might have only one connection; some may have as many as five or six. Ultimately, all worlds are interconnected in a single contiguous Web.

Almost all worlds are inhabitable, and in fact already have a thriving population. This is good because you cannot own a world that has no population living on it. Most worlds also produce a certain amount of metal each turn, which are important resources to keep your industry churning. A few worlds may also have a few units of industry, but for the most part you will need to rely on the industry at your homeworld.

As you visit new, unowned worlds in the galaxy, you will automatically plant your flag on them, so to speak, and claim them as your own. The exact rules of ownership are a little more complex, but in general, you will own any world that you are the first to visit.