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Set up game ith new character types

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 5:30 am
by watscher

I wanted to set up a game nearly equal to spread5f .

Unhappily I get errors as soon as I specify new character types.

I was able to define the arcitect, but when defining a skip tracer or scavenger I get ... erResponse --> The page cannot display

I entered New character type: Scavenger and copy from generic. One time I was able to edit the parameters for a warlord copied from raider, but it failed when I saved....

Can you help me to get it working? ... kvQ1nkFg==

Re: Set up game ith new character types

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 9:14 am
by drwr
Hmm, I'm not having troubles right now. It sounds like it might have been issues with my web provider. Can you try it again and let me know if it's still failing?

Incidentally, you can duplicate a game exactly, if you are already involved in the game, by clicking on the "Suggest another game like spread5f" link at the bottom of the game description on your active game list. Once you have clicked on this link, you may customize the game further to your liking. (If you are not involved in the game, it doesn't allow you to do this until the game is over--this is intended to cut down on games created by new, naive users--maybe I should change this rule so that players who have completed at least X number of games can do this regardless.)


Re: Set up game ith new character types

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 3:24 am
by ZenCat
Hi Dave & All;
When I set up "spreads" I just cloned it from floors as Dave described doing in his post above. I would have liked to change a few things, but with the new characters the list of options has become mind boggling and I didn't want to screw anything up so I refrained. I'm suggesting that there be a way to start a game with the new characters (which are extremely popular) without either cloning an existing game or having to define them, and the options for modifying them be very limited (scoring ability, attack and defense factors, loading ability, and the like). I know you can do it Dave! Thanks.....
Dale [ZenCat]

Re: Set up game ith new character types

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2009 6:21 am
by watscher

Copy a game is exactly what I was looking for. I'll try that.

Having the new character types predefined and selectable would be really great!