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importing orders for yourself

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 12:15 am
by FishSpeaker
I attempted to import orders for myself, and although the interface did not complain, the orders were never applied.

To be clear, these are orders for my own character, which I have not created in the interface, but rather autogenerated using a script (creating transfer/attack orders when you have a ton of fleets on a world is very tedious). I'm using the txt format and File->Import command, and as far as I can tell have formatted them identically to what the Export/Share interface spits out (using only the "Next turn orders" checkbox).

Eventually I found the Orders Textbox/Accept Orders button on Game Info tab, and that worked for me.

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 11:46 am
by drwr
Pasting them into the web form should work too.

I think your first attempt failed because the game doesn't allow you to import orders for your own character positions from an external file. This is by design--since you normally use the external import feature to load in reports supplied by other players, this is intended to prevent another player from trying to pull one over on you, and slipping orders for your positions in among his own maps.

It really ought to pop up a warning dialog advising you when this happens, though, instead of just silently ignoring it. And I suppose it would then be ideal if it gave you the option to decide whether to import the orders as trusted, or ignore them.

I'll see what I can do about fixing that.
