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RSW version 0.97.3

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 5:47 pm
by drwr
This is only a minor release number, even though it includes a couple of new features, because I'm working on a much bigger release for 0.98. But until then, this is mainly a bugfix release to tide people over.
Version 0.97.3:

* Fixed problem with usable industry being reported incorrectly on
the client in certain cases.

* Fixed popup message window size.

* Fixed bug when using "redownload clean" with locally-unsaved

* Fixed another obscure order crash.

* Added warning to team list page when automatic ally management
is disabled.

* Added "Mirror worlds about torque handle" menu option.

* Added per-player note to player list page. Removed "this is me"
checkbox for players not downloaded from the server.

* Fixed problem causing user column width settings to get lost.

* Receiving a message also copied to another player automatically
adds that player to your potential recipient list.