wxPython for RSW client

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wxPython for RSW client

Post by jdhedden »

I recently upgraded my Linux system, and had trouble with the RSV client because with the update to the versions of Python, I needed to reinstall wxPython. I figured out that you have to use an older version of wxPython, namely, 4.0.7.post2. I recommend that the client download page be updated to specify installation of wxPython using the following command:

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sudo pip2 install wxPython==4.0.7.post2
or to download from here https://pypi.org/project/wxPython/4.0.7.post2/#files and install as required.
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Re: wxPython for RSW client

Post by drwr »

I'll make the update, thanks! It also requires Python 2, and I'm not sure that's spelled out either.
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