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Fair play

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 12:07 am
by sun-e
I want announce everyone to "fair play". In my game "tracing2y" one position was took over by an dad of one player. Surely he will support him and that kind of gameplay isn't fair and good to any game. If an neutral player got that position, he need to make up diplomatic contact first. Hopefully that player I mean never will do this again, because the balancing of that game was broken.

On other hand, there is no reason to engage anyone, because he was an enemy in another game. That kind of gameplay in pbem called "crossing".

We have an big community on our portal and its work pretty fine. Many players playing much games together. In one game they are friends, another game they are enemies. Its a game only.
The same problem are "players groups". 5-6 players join an 15 player game and working together from start up every game and every game one of them will win. They never engage each other.

Re: Fair play

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 8:26 pm
by esoteric
You have a quite interesting view of the world and it would be quite clearer if you weren't blinded by your outright uncooperative greediness. If you want to cry:
Consider not further pissing off people that you already know are unhappy with your "terms". This is Smart Play.

If you leave yourself open to poor negotiations you WILL get screwed. This is Bad Play.

If you play entirely in an offensive manner you won't have much to protect yourself when your attitude works against you. This is Bad Play.

Consider offering fair terms in negotiations and not being selfish. This is Smart Play.

Consider good deeds go rewarded and selfish actions will go punished. This is NOT a zero sum game. This is Real Play.

Diplomatic contact was made as was with every other player and terms were worked out before identification occured. This is Fair Play.

Your "diplomacy" was poor while relations with other players were on the rise. While I might be inclined to say "Wrong place at wrong time" in that regard, you really have to brush up on your people skills. This is something you need to work on.

An artifact collector has limited play options. Either you cooperate and play nicely or you will get played with roughly. This is Fair Play.

You have no reason to play hard against a position that has no chance to even rival you for placement in the game. Anti-social acts will receive a like-kind exchange. This is Fair Play.

The game is not balanced. There is nothing broken. This is the Game.

Re: Fair play

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 5:31 am
by sun-e
Boah, what stupid kind of opinion you have.... :shock:

You believe its okay if I bring in my best friends to open positions, give them exports of everything I have and telling them to engage my enemies? Sorry, we have pretty much experience with hosting PBEMgames in our portal and if we will do anything that players dont will do that. If we get informations about anything like that we remove that players and they will be warned and possible banned.

Especially, in the game itself its okay to trade with someone or not. There is no excuses about lame thing like above, if the price of an deal is to high. Sorry, hopefully I never met poor player like you in any game. And I am spoken about the open position itself, not about what your are doing. Its part of the game, what ever you do and its okay to engage me or anyone else. But bring in your daddy (I dont believe it, I guess you are playing two positions)...but I do my best and I guess you never will get my artifacts. Hopefully the Trader will see what kind of guy you are and engaging you too! :twisted:

Re: Fair play

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 5:39 am
by esoteric
Dude, you have no idea. No one was "brought" in anywhere. No one is playing two positions. Everyones attacks are their own business. He's operating on his own agenda. Have you not determined that when you act anti-socially it's more than one person that isn't going to greet you with puppy dogs, butterflies, and roses? However much "experience" you have you're anti-social.