Population Limit

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Population Limit

Post by beane »

The "explain" tab says that it is "very difficult" to colonize a world with a zero population limit. Is it even possible? Even if the planet already had industry, I don't see how you would own the planet long enough to use the industry to raise the population limit.
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Re: Population Limit

Post by esoteric »

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Re: Population Limit

Post by drwr »

Robots is one answer, of course, but if you can't do robots it is still possible. You have to do it via migration. This is described on the help page Raising the Population Limit.

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Re: Population Limit

Post by beane »

Perhaps I am misunderstanding something. Several times I have migrated people to one of these planets, with a fleet above the planet. When the next turn comes, the population has all died off and the planet remains unowned. I don't understand how I can get the people to do anything before they die off.
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Location: Glendale, CA

Re: Population Limit

Post by drwr »

Oh yeah, hmm, you do have to own the planet ahead of time in order to make the people build, but you can't own it if it has zero population. Catch-22. I guess it isn't possible to colonize a zero-pop-limit world ('cept for a Positronix). How about that?

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