RSW version 0.87

A place for general chatter about games in progress, games completed, strategy advice, bug reports, or really anything at all that relates in some vague way to RSW.
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RSW version 0.87

Post by drwr »

Not a whole lot of meat in this release--maybe not enough to justify a release in the middle of the week like this, so close on the heels of 0.86--but I was up late last night fixing several things that had been annoying me, and having gone through that much trouble, I just couldn't wait any longer.

And the timezone thing? Way back when I first started writing the web code that would become RSW, I thought "Gee, I really should make this code timezone aware. Nahh, I'll wait until I've actually got some users in multiple timezones." So you see, I finally had to do it.

Version 0.87

* Added timezone awareness to web interface.

* Several improvements to client message gui (more use of player
colors, intelligent scrollbars, etc.)

* Added a menu item to the orders popup menu to send a message to
the world or fleet owner.

* Email attachments are now passed through the email relay (but
they are not saved in the database, and are therefore not
available through the in-game interface).

* Improved and simplified email challenge/response authentication

* Fixed client bug when re-downloading old completed games.

* Fixed bug when importing old or incomplete xml files.
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Post by FishSpeaker »

I'm always up for fresh code.

The new dialog that asked me if I wanted to upgrade was a little odd, though, in that No was on the left and Yes was on the right. Usually it's the other way around.
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Post by FishSpeaker »

I've also been having trouble with the client not recognizing the correct status of my games (this has happened in multiple versions). For instance, I'm involved in two games currently, and the status listed in the RSW Game List window is "Your Turn", when in fact I have already submitted my orders for both games. The webpage correctly displays that I have submitted my orders.

Neither restarting the client nor using File->Download Games helps. If I resubmit my turn using the client, it then displays my status (for that game) correctly, and continues to be correct after a restart. The status for the other game remains incorrect, though.
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Location: Glendale, CA

Post by drwr »

The new dialog that asked me if I wanted to upgrade was a little odd, though, in that No was on the left and Yes was on the right. Usually it's the other way around.
Ah, you're right. I'll reverse them. I get confused because the Linux convention, for reasons of unknown frustration, is the opposite of the Windows convention. I've generally been following the Windows convention in the RSW client.
I've also been having trouble with the client not recognizing the correct status of my games
Yeah, that's actually a known bug--I think it happens when you play with multiple clients on different machines, or when you go back and forth between the web interface and the client. But maybe it's more general than that. I've been meaning to fix it for a while, but there's unfortunately a bit of spaghetti code at the root of this particular bug, so I keep hoping no one will notice. :)

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Post by FishSpeaker »

drwr wrote:Ah, you're right. I'll reverse them. I get confused because the Linux convention, for reasons of unknown frustration, is the opposite of the Windows convention. I've generally been following the Windows convention in the RSW client.
You're kidding. I guess that's yet another reason that Linux can't make headway in the desktop market.
drwr wrote:Yeah, that's actually a known bug--I think it happens when you play with multiple clients on different machines, or when you go back and forth between the web interface and the client. But maybe it's more general than that. I've been meaning to fix it for a while, but there's unfortunately a bit of spaghetti code at the root of this particular bug, so I keep hoping no one will notice.
Well, I've been playing on different machines, so I guess that makes sense.
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Post by Syclone »

I've also been having trouble with the client not recognizing the correct status of my games (this has happened in multiple versions). For instance, I'm involved in two games currently, and the status listed in the RSW Game List window is "Your Turn", when in fact I have already submitted my orders for both games. The webpage correctly displays that I have submitted my orders.
Did you have any messages sent to you? I had a message and the "Your Turn" was there. I am also playing 2 games and have been visting the website.
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Post by FishSpeaker »

Syclone wrote:Did you have any messages sent to you? I had a message and the "Your Turn" was there. I am also playing 2 games and have been visting the website.
I've had messages sent to me.
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Post by FishSpeaker »

The latest release has been complaining about errors when I close the client, although it seems to be functioning correctly when I use it.

Here's the stack trace in the error log:

Code: Select all

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "rsw\client\RswClient.pyc", line 699, in __idleCallback
  File "rsw\client\ThreadedTasker.pyc", line 110, in poll
  File "rsw\client\ThreadedTasker.pyc", line 26, in done
  File "rsw\client\RswClient.pyc", line 768, in <lambda>
  File "rsw\client\RswClient.pyc", line 776, in __requestDone
  File "rsw\client\ClientPlayer.pyc", line 368, in <lambda>
  File "rsw\client\OrderSubmitter.pyc", line 253, in xmlResponse
  File "rsw\client\OrderSubmitter.pyc", line 133, in __doNext
  File "wx\_core.pyc", line 13716, in __getattr__
wx._core.PyDeadObjectError: The C++ part of the GameWindow object has been deleted, attribute access no longer allowed.
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Joined: Sat Dec 10, 2005 10:56 am
Location: Glendale, CA

Post by drwr »

From the stack trace, I think it is complaining because you closed the client before it had finished submitting your recent changes to the server. It looks like it completed properly, though; it's just failing to update the status bar on the bottom of the window (which is now closed).

I don't think this behavior is new with version 0.87, but I'll put in a defense against it. Clearly if you have already closed the window, you don't need to see the status update. :)

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