RSW version 0.98.5

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RSW version 0.98.5

Post by drwr »

Plenty of little fiddly things in this release. Some changes under the hood, as well as some important interface changes.

After all, the 0.98.4 branch was far too stable. What fun is that?
Version 0.98.5:

* Quicker client start when many old games are in the completed

* Several multi-fleet operations are now available via the
standard order menus, when you right click on a selected group of
fleets, either in the fleet list for a world or in the overall
fleet list.

* New "Select fleets owned by ..." menu options on world order
menus. Also incidentally shows fleet and ship totals at a world.

* The world order menus will automatically prune individual fleet
options when there are more than 16 fleets at a world, to limit
extremely large menus.

* Client exception window now offers to download the latest client
(instead of sending a bug report) if an exception occurs while
running an older version.

* Server: games will automatically be cancelled if all players
are abandoned.

* Game timers can now expire at any arbitrary time, not just at
15-minute intervals.

* New countdown timer appears in the map window when the turn has
less than 60 seconds to go.

* Added onscreen "Finish turn" button, visible until turn has been

* Changed game status message to differentiate between "Your turn"
and "Needs 'Finish turn'". Also added "Waiting for YOU"

* New "auto save" optional feature automatically saves games to
the server when the game client is left idle, or when the turn due
time is within five seconds.

* New "Report Bug" menu option on the Help menu.

* New experimental "XML connect" communication method uses a
two-way communication channel with the server, supporting
immediate notifications of new messages and new turns. This
supercedes the older "XML web push" (also called "XML sync")

* Server: one-player games are no longer included in the total
count of private games reported on the list-of-games web page.

* Fixed an exception when server connectivity is lost while
sending a message.

* Fixed a few minor exceptions in unusual circumstances.

* Added previous turn's orders failure to the Turn News. Turn
News is now displayed automatically even for Core games.

* Rule change for draft orders: if the turn deadline expires and
only draft orders are on file, those orders are executed (as
always), but the turn is now considered missed for the purposes of
counting abandoned players. Thus, if you fail to submit final
orders two turns in a row, your game position will be declared
abandoned and offered to the world.

* "Forecast ships" is now the default fleet size for Classic as
well as Core games.

* Fixed a few bugs when importing FB-style turnsheets.

* Submitting an FB-style order sheet via email now presents a
preview dialog that shows the contents of the email about to be
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Re: RSW version 0.98.5

Post by esoteric »

In stance7g I have an interesting view- world color is set to owner+fleets but at at least one planet the ring color is completely mine despite the orbiters being very fractionally mine. E-mail me and I can tell you the planet/stats/average airspeed of an unladen swallow/etc.
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Re: RSW version 0.98.5

Post by drwr »

at least one planet the ring color is completely mine despite the orbiters being very fractionally mine
Hmm, sounds like a minor roundoff error in the ring-drawing algorithm--it's drawing the wrong way 'round the arc. Unfortunately, this algorithm isn't part of my code; it's part of the wxPython suite. I'll see if I can work around the problem.
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RSW version

Post by drwr »

There are always bugs, of course, but it seemed like the bug with load and unload orders was important enough to justify a quick bugfix release--this bug was preventing people from entering load and unload orders for fleets over someone else's world.

* Fixed bug with load and unload orders.

* Fixed exception when using the new "Report bug" interface.

* Fixed server bug in which "Save final" state wasn't sticking.

* Removed "Save final" button from import-preview window.
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Re: RSW version 0.98.5

Post by brendanf »

I do not get the option on any menu to drop robots on a world that is not mine! :x This is not good. I cannot even drop robots on an empty planet! I can drop them on planets I own, but that won't win me the game.

This is for both 0.98.5 and

Tried to install a over this version, and now it does not run at all.

I wonder if I typed in codes (assuming I can figure them out correctly) if it would work, but of course I won't know until the turn goes, and I hope I don't make any typos and lose turns...Turn due in 23.1 hours.

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Re: RSW version 0.98.5

Post by drwr »

Drat it all, another silly mistake on my part with the new aggregate orders feature. Sorry about that.

You can type in the order codes, and that will work correctly. The client will even report the orders in the order list after you have typed in the order codes, and the forecast turn will show the effects of the robot drop, so you don't have to wait until the turn time to be confident you've entered the orders. You can type in the orders either on the web page, or in the Game Info panel, or just in the box in the lower-right corner of the game window.

The order codes you need are of the form "f17r12", where "f17" is the fleet number, and "r12" means to convert 12 ships to robots, thereby dropping 24 robots.

I'll fix this in It's a simple fix, and it won't take me long. I'll try to release that one tonight, but at the moment I have to get dressed to go out on a date with my wife, and you know how wives get about being stood up for a computer game.

Terribly sorry about the troubles.

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Re: RSW version 0.98.5

Post by drwr »

Oh, yeah--you can also issue a robot-drop order by dragging your fleet icon(s) onto the P-Ship icon (thus representing an attack on population). You can select "Drop robots" as one of the options in the dialog that pops up. I believe this feature still works properly.

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RSW version

Post by drwr »

Here it is.

* Fix bug with wrong-color arc at certain worlds.

* Fix bug with robot-drop orders.

* Fix exception when issuing menu-based orders in a Core game.
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Re: RSW version 0.98.5

Post by esoteric »

So... in indicated2d I have three fleets around an unowned world, one fleet has no population on it. The order option to transfer ships between fleets isn't available here although it's available at other locations...
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Re: RSW version 0.98.5

Post by drwr »

Good grief. I really screwed up a lot of things with this release.

I'll get another update out shortly.

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Re: RSW version 0.98.5

Post by Torvald »


With this latest release, I've noticed that I'm no longer able to import current turn info from other players. Even worse, when I unsuccessfully tried to import, I started getting some weird error messages, such as telling me that I needed to finish inputting my orders. However, I hadn't started inputting any orders yet.

Please help.
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Re: RSW version 0.98.5

Post by drwr »

Can you tell me more details? What exactly happens when you try to import someone's turn report? Which game is this in, which turn report is failing to import? Can you describe more precisely the error message you are seeing?

You can use the new "Report bug" feature (under the Help menu) to send me your client data for this game, and tell me the private details like which particular message is failing.

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Re: RSW version 0.98.5

Post by Torvald »

drwr wrote:Can you tell me more details? What exactly happens when you try to import someone's turn report? Which game is this in, which turn report is failing to import? Can you describe more precisely the error message you are seeing?

You can use the new "Report bug" feature (under the Help menu) to send me your client data for this game, and tell me the private details like which particular message is failing.

The turn that was not importing is the latest one in game Indicate2d. It added no info whatsover to my map, and instead caused a new message button to appear saying I needed to complete my turn (which I had not yet started to enter, however).

I will try re-importing later today, to see if the latest RSW version has resolved the problem.
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Re: RSW version 0.98.5

Post by Torvald »

Am still not able to import turn info from player "BundleOfJoy" in game Indicate2d.

Had him send me another export message, but when I try to import the info, my map info does not change at all.

Please help.
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Re: RSW version 0.98.5

Post by drwr »

Reply sent via email.

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