
A place for general chatter about games in progress, games completed, strategy advice, bug reports, or really anything at all that relates in some vague way to RSW.
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Post by drwr »

12-person game! Woo!

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Post by drwr »

Since it's evident from the first turn that our players in this game will be taking most of the full week anyway, I've removed the "quick turns" option from this game, to make the turn times more predictable. Turns will run at 7:25 am every Tuesday morning.

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Post by FishSpeaker »

You're killing me. I've been gently prodding people at Schell Games to get their turns in so the second turn would start. It's kind of rough when this is your first game and you're ready to dive in and start playing, but instead of water, you find you've dived into a thick, clinging pool of mud. I can't complain too much, of course, considering all the great work that's been done on the server and client to make the game possible at all, and at no cost.

I created a second game to help alleviate my impatience (barker5a). It's not clear why it doesn't show up in the pending games list, though.

Also, what about a turn frequency option that progressively increases over time? For instance, 1 day for the first turn, 2 days for the second and third turn, 4 days for the fourth and fifth turn, and 7 days for the remaining turns. (You'd want it to be configurable, obviously). This would ensure that the game is ushered through the early exploring turns expeditiously, while still allowing plenty of time for more complex later turns.
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Post by drwr »

I feel your pain. I'm a little antsy for the game to get underway, too. The first few turns of any game are particularly uneventful, and it's always nice when they go by quickly.

That's usually the biggest value of the "quick turns" feature, to let the first few turns go by quickly, since most people can get their first turns in promptly. However, this is a twelve-person game, and it only takes one person dragging their heels to pull the turn out to its full duration--and, as it happens, exactly one person is still dragging his heels and hasn't yet put in his turn 1 for wheel3q. I don't want to name names, but he happens to have a game company in Pittsburgh named after him.

But you're right. We shouldn't give up altogether. I'll change the game back to "quick turns" and we'll keep hoping.

I'm not sure whether a progessive frequency option is a good idea or not. Turns don't really get progressively more difficult as you continue; there's just this boring stretch during the first three or four turns before you encounter other players. Once you've met your first opponent, the game is pretty much full-strength from then on out.

As to barker5a, it does appear in the list of pending games, but not in your "Game signup" list, which lists only games available for you to sign up (you're already signed up for it). You can see it if you click "List all the pending games" from the front page.

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Post by FishSpeaker »

drwr wrote:That's usually the biggest value of the "quick turns" feature, to let the first few turns go by quickly, since most people can get their first turns in promptly. However, this is a twelve-person game, and it only takes one person dragging their heels to pull the turn out to its full duration--and, as it happens, exactly one person is still dragging his heels and hasn't yet put in his turn 1 for wheel3q. I don't want to name names, but he happens to have a game company in Pittsburgh named after him.
I suspected that might be the case. I should have said something to him today. I think there were several people who were putting off making their first turn because they hadn't really learned the game yet. But a quick look at the Quick Strategy Guide and Sample Walkthrough got most people through their first turn quickly.

That's why I think a limited time period for the first turns would be beneficial. People don't really need all that time to make their turn. They just need a little help overcoming procrastination.
drwr wrote:I'm not sure whether a progessive frequency option is a good idea or not. Turns don't really get progressively more difficult as you continue; there's just this boring stretch during the first three or four turns before you encounter other players. Once you've met your first opponent, the game is pretty much full-strength from then on out.
Yeah, that's why I suggested a small time period up until turn five. Perhaps it could be even more pronounced, with single day turns through turn 4, then the standard length turn from then on. From what I've read online about StarWeb, opponents are almost always encountered on turn 4. Does that hold true for RSW?
drwr wrote:As to barker5a, it does appear in the list of pending games, but not in your "Game signup" list, which lists only games available for you to sign up (you're already signed up for it). You can see it if you click "List all the pending games" from the front page.
Ah, that makes sense. I was fooled by the language on the Game Signup page ("There are no games pending."), and forgot how to get to the global list. Perhaps those two pages actually want to be the same, though. Could avoid confusion, and I don't think it would be terrible to see games one had already signed up for along side games one hadn't signed up for, as long as it was clear which was which.
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Post by drwr »

That's why I think a limited time period for the first turns would be beneficial. People don't really need all that time to make their turn. They just need a little help overcoming procrastination.
I can see that. On the other hand, the first few turns are the most important turns not to miss--if you miss one of the first few turns, you may be at a disadvantage for the rest of the game, because you missed out on the land grab. And if you find yourself at a disadvantage, you may become discouraged and drop out altogether. So making the first few turns run faster might help people overcome procrastination, but it might also create more risk of dropout players.
From what I've read online about StarWeb, opponents are almost always encountered on turn 4. Does that hold true for RSW?
It is generally true, though not as rigorously as it is in the official Starweb game, because RSW uses a random algorithm to generate a more organic galaxy than the hand-designed maps used in Starweb.
Perhaps those two pages actually want to be the same, though.
I think you're probably right.

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Post by FishSpeaker »

drwr wrote:I can see that. On the other hand, the first few turns are the most important turns not to miss--if you miss one of the first few turns, you may be at a disadvantage for the rest of the game, because you missed out on the land grab. And if you find yourself at a disadvantage, you may become discouraged and drop out altogether. So making the first few turns run faster might help people overcome procrastination, but it might also create more risk of dropout players.
That makes sense. But 7 days for the first turn? Surely there's some middle ground.

Incidentally, how does RSW handle dropped players?
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Post by drwr »

Incidentally, how does RSW handle dropped players?
If you miss two turns in a row, your game position is considered "abandoned", and is offered on the signup page for anyone who wants to take it over (though you can reclaim it by immediately entering a turn). There is also an option to officially withdraw from the game, which makes your position available for takeover immediately, avoiding the need to have to miss two turns first.

When a game position changes hands like this, the handover chain will be listed on the end-of-game report.

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Post by FishSpeaker »

Can the position be taken over by an account already in the game?

How are in-game interactions affected? Do the worlds and fleets become neutral, or is it just as if the player has simply stopped submitting orders, and alliances etc. remain intact?
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Post by drwr »

Can the position be taken over by an account already in the game?
Yes. The player who takes on multiple positions in a given game will be awarded the lowest score of all his positions at game end.
How are in-game interactions affected? Do the worlds and fleets become neutral, or is it just as if the player has simply stopped submitting orders, and alliances etc. remain intact?
It is just as if the player stopped submitting orders. I've toyed with the notion of implementing some kind of AI to enter orders on the player's behalf when he misses a turn or abandons altogether, but that seems like a lot of work. :) Anyway, RSW is a human-to-human game, so I think it's better to encourage a new human to take up the mantle as soon as possible.

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