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Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 6:19 pm
by Torvald

I just saw the notice for pending CORE game Spin8s and am somewhat interested, but want to first make sure I understand some of the special parameters that were listed.

1. What does "Fire points = 1" mean?

2. What does "Cyborg Liberation Ratio = 5" mean?


Re: Spin8s

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 10:34 am
by drwr
1. What does "Fire points = 1" mean?
These means you earn one point per each shot fired, at any target. If you fire at something with a 30-ship fleet, you will earn 30 points for that action.
2. What does "Cyborg Liberation Ratio = 5" mean?
This is the ratio of ships you must exceed in order to successfully perform "Liberation" (also known as pirate capture). For instance, in the Classic game, a Raider has a liberation ratio of 3. A ratio of 5 means that if you outnumber your opponent's ships at any world with more than a 5-to-1 ratio, you will automatically capture all of their fleets at that world.

I'm not entirely sure why the game creator made a new character type called "cyborg", since there doesn't seem to be anything particularly cybernetic about this character type (in a Core game, there are no robotic populations).
