WTF - I have been turfed oiut of a game??

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Posts: 33
Joined: Fri May 09, 2014 12:04 am

WTF - I have been turfed oiut of a game??

Post by JimE »

I just got notification that I have withdrawn from scrutiny9s !!

I did NOT ask for this, I did try to drop from another game I was losing, but not scrutiny9s.

I think this happened because the concede option if too smart by far. It says hey things arn't that bad, play on, I wont let you quit. I realize AI is getting better every day, but strategy and insight into RSW is not one of them. When I want to concede it is because I know the position is hopeless, even if I have 4 home worlds, but I had 6 two turns ago and diminishing by a few worlds each turn.

So.. I tried to withdraw but it did not seem to do anything quickly or timely. So I killed the page and tried again, same slow response but it did kick in eventually and I withdrew from drover7p.

However I did not ask to withdraw or quit from scrutiny9s !!!

Can you please re-instate me in that game?
Can you please let me, or anyone else, concede a game without the server second guessing me?

Posts: 33
Joined: Fri May 09, 2014 12:04 am

Re: WTF - I have been turfed oiut of a game??

Post by JimE »

Here are the emails I got from the server :

1. A player has withdrawn from RSW game drove7p. You may take over the position if you like.

2. A player has withdrawn from RSW game scrutiny9s. You may take over the position if you like.

It is correct for 1, but not for 2.

I fired up the RSW client and it shows that drove7p is still active, but scrutiny9s is NOT, the exact opposite of what it should be.

David please fix this.
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Re: WTF - I have been turfed oiut of a game??

Post by drwr »

My apologies for the problems! I don't know what happened here, but I was able to work with Jim to get him back into the game via the signup link. Please let me know if this sort of thing happens to anyone else in the future!

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