Server performance

A place for general chatter about games in progress, games completed, strategy advice, bug reports, or really anything at all that relates in some vague way to RSW.
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Server performance

Post by drwr »

As many of you have no doubt noticed, the RSW server has become increasingly sluggish and unresponsive recently. You'll stare at a loading bar for multiple seconds when you visit the webpage; sometimes you'll get a 500 proxy error code. When you submit your turns on the client, occasionally you'll get back a message like "Could not connect to RSW Server, would you like to switch to offline mode?"

These are symptoms of an aging server that's just not up to its required tasks any more. I'm in the process of setting up a new server now and migrating all of the RSW data over to it. I expect this to take a few days or maybe a couple of weeks at the most--I'll post again when I'm about ready to switch over.

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Re: Server performance

Post by ZenCat »

I was wondering what was going on. Thanks for the update.
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Re: Server performance

Post by ZenCat »

I've been unable to connect to the server since yesterday morning until just now. How are things going?
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Re: Server performance

Post by drwr »

And, we're up and running on our shiny new server!

Everything looks pretty sparkly over here to me. It sure does seem to be a lot snappier. Only hitch so far is I had to upgrade the forum software, but that's working now too, so let me know if anything seems to be broken on this new server.

Happy gaming!

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Re: Server performance

Post by ZenCat »

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Re: Server performance

Post by ZenCat »

August 25th, all the problems listed from way back in march are suddenly back again --- what's going on?
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Re: Server performance

Post by JimE »

There are problems on the server. If I try to connect with all works.

If I try nothing happens.
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Re: Server performance

Post by drwr »

Hmm, you're right. I just tried restarting the server process, that seemed to clear it up for me. Is it working better now?

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Re: Server performance

Post by ZenCat »

The client opens and stays blank. It lists the games, and at the far right under "status" it says "checking server".
Yesterday I uninstalled the client, then reinstalled the 64 bit version. Nothing changed.
I also tried running the game on my office computer and got the same results.
I was unable to enter orders for "recovery2w" and got the email notice that I'd missed the turn. I also got email notices that orders are due for my other games. I do not have time to manually type out orders and enter them on the website --- if I can't use the client then I'm going to have to drop all my games.
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Re: Server performance

Post by drwr »

Something on the server was getting itself caught up on the recently-completed game jacket4e. I've marked that game deleted in an attempt to remove it from the active circulation, hopefully eliminating whatever the problem was, and reset the server again. Please try it again and let me know if it's better yet!

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Re: Server performance

Post by ZenCat »

The Client downloaded all the games, so I'm going to log into them and see how things look. I missed the turn on Recovery2w, but I was doing badly on that game anyway so no great loss. If there are any problems with any of the others I'll let you know. Thanks! :P
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Re: Server performance

Post by drwr »

My apologies for the missed turn. I do my best to keep the server running smoothly, but sometimes it does get away from me; I'm only one person. We were lucky it didn't impact a more important game to you.

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