End game score

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End game score

Post by Puzzler »

I'm having trouble finding this in the rules: What is the standard end game score range for RSW Classic?

Posts: 101
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Re: End game score

Post by esoteric »

It's random within a range.
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Joined: Sat Aug 16, 2008 1:25 pm

Re: End game score

Post by Puzzler »

And that range would be?
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Location: Glendale, CA

Re: End game score

Post by drwr »

It's buried on this page: http://rswgame.com/help/turns.htm. The actual range is defined in the code thusly:

Code: Select all

    EndOfGameScore = {
        -5: (3000, 4500),
        -4: (4500, 5500),
        -3: (5500, 6000),
        -2: (6000, 6500),
        -1: (6500, 7000),
        0 : (7000, 8000),
        1 : (8000, 8750),
        2 : (8750, 9500),
        3 : (9500, 10000),
        4 : (10000, 12000),
        5 : (12000, 15000),
Where the first number in the table is the selected parameter for the game (0 = average, 1 = somewhat high, -1 = somewhat low, and so on), and the next two numbers are the minimum and maximum ending score for that parameter.

So you can see, for a typical game where the server chooses the end-of-game-score parameter on a bell-shaped curve between -3 and 3, the actual end-of-game score will definitely lie between 5500 and 10000, with a strong preference to be closer to 7500.

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Joined: Sat Dec 10, 2005 10:56 am
Location: Glendale, CA

Re: End game score

Post by drwr »

For the record, the end-of-score table has been adjusted since this post, and currently looks like this:

Code: Select all

    EndOfGameScore = {
        -5: (2000, 3000),
        -4: (4500, 5500),
        -3: (5500, 6000),
        -2: (6000, 6500),
        -1: (6500, 7000),
        0 : (7000, 8000),
        1 : (8000, 9000),
        2 : (9000, 10000),
        3 : (10000, 11000),
        4 : (12000, 15000),
        5 : (20000, 40000),
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