Thanks are due to my volunteer testers, who helped me discover and iron out most of the bugs in this new release. Thanks ZenCat, esoteric, somnos, and lawyerted!
The big news with this version is the long-awaited German translation. You can switch between German and English versions of the web page via the new links on the right side of the navigation bar above. The German text is initially very rough, having been auto-translated via Google. I invite our German-speaking friends to submit corrected translations. You can do this from the "trans" link right below the "en" and "de" links. When you click on the "trans" link, you will see the text that was visible on the page you were just looking at, and you can enter a corrected translation for any text on the page. You can also search for other text strings; you may enter either the English text or the German text, and all strings that include your search string will be displayed (and you may enter a corrected translation for any of them). Finally, you can download a language pack, which is basically a zip file containing all of the text used anywhere in RSW, and you may make translations at your convenience offline, and submit a modified language pack to the server when you're ready.
The client also supports a German translation, which you can select in the File | Configure menu. The client text is also available for correction under the "trans" link; any corrections you make on the web page are automatically downloaded and displayed immediately by the client.
Please let me know if anyone has any issues with any of these new systems.
The ChangeLog:
* Fixed crash at start which occurred after installing the new
version of the client without previously uninstalling the previous
version. Windows only.
* Added support for multiple languages.
* Fixed PyAssertionError: C++ assertion "ret.Ok()"
* Previously, the "Full game specifications" as reported on the
client omitted the list of initial galaxy parameters such as
NumWorlds and EndOfGameScore. This has been corrected; these
configuration settings are now reported by the client.
* Fixed a problem with inaccurate number of players reported in
the client's "Full game specifications."
* Fixed a confusing client-side error message when building a PBB
onto a fleet that may be ambushed.
* Fixed the tendency of the status line to get crushed to nothing.
* Fixed a problem where Arms Dealer's build-from-ships orders
aren't offered over another player's worlds.