
A place for general chatter about games in progress, games completed, strategy advice, bug reports, or really anything at all that relates in some vague way to RSW.
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Joined: Sat Dec 10, 2005 10:56 am
Location: Glendale, CA


Post by drwr »

A very well-deserved victory by John Loehrlein. I've never seen anyone make such excellent use of distraction and misinformation to confuse the other players and keep everyone too busy fighting each other to do anything about his steadily-increasing score.

And, along the way, he incidentally helped save me from early defeat at the hands of an angry Apostle.

As long as we're brimming with nationalistic pride, I can't resist pointing out that the VR Studio took four of the top five positions in this game. :)

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Location: Glendale, CA

Post by drwr »

My take on the final map:

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Post by scribblesm »

Grats John!
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Location: Glendale, CA

Post by drwr »

I'd love to hear Jason's take on the piloting of four different character positions. You cut a pretty fearsome swath through our players here; what was it like from your end? Either you weren't playing for points, or you were surprised by the ending and didn't have a chance to bring up your Berserker's score. What were your goals in this game?

Anyone else have some good stories to tell? For myself, I was having a grand time as a pirate. Pouncing on your victim with 100+ ships for an unexpected pirate capture is incredibly satisfying. I didn't expect to win, but I did better in the end than I thought I would.

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Joined: Tue Jul 24, 2007 3:12 pm

Post by jloehrlein »

Thanks everyone. But just out of curiousity who all would like to punch me in the face?

If there is enough interest I might have a raffel.

Post by chris »

Mechapants was too far away, and Merchant had been too much of a menace for me to join another battle. I'm just glad we eliminated that pirate..

What else did Mechapants do other then trick poor Veers, who had plundered his homeworld turn 1? BTW- the golden pants email was pretty hilarious.
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