new mutli-position SWARM game: lizard5e

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new mutli-position SWARM game: lizard5e

Post by baknight »

Friend, enemies, neutrals,
I've started lizard5e for 4 to 5 players with 3 positions each, with unlimited choice of types, but only one substantially weakened Noble Swarm -- me, of course. Please read my previous post "Variations on a Swarm" for essential background information.
Since the Swarm should never communicate or have allies, on my team the 2 non-Swarm positions will never move, and I won't even read those turn reports. So it will be one Swarm against 9 to 12 active positions, with two inert positions waiting to be eaten by their neighbors.
As usual in multi-position games. the team with the highest low score will win. So with 2 inert positions, the winner won't be me -- even if I kick all of your butts at war. And you can keep me from doing even that, if you can manage to cooperate.
So come on guys, see if you can beat me with 2 of 3 hands tied behind my back! Who's afraid of the big bad Swarm?
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Re: new mutli-position SWARM game: lizard5e

Post by baknight »

I see that two bold souls have already volunteered to face the Swarm. They will need at least one more to stand a chance to save the web from the extra-galactic invader; and if two more staunch leaders commit to fighting for that cause by Monday, their grand alliance may even prevail against the alien hive mind.
The Noble Swarm can't win this one on points, but could conquer the galaxy unless opposed by a strong coalition. If you are up to that challenge, join "lizard5e" ASAP.
Stop me if you can!
-- ExGalax
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