speed2j: Dare ye face the Noble Swarm?

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speed2j: Dare ye face the Noble Swarm?

Post by baknight »

Friends, enemies, & neutrals,
Many of you may remember Mike Noble, who got me into my first SW game in 1977 and played for 40 years until he passed away. In the late 1970s Mike created the Extragalactic Invader for his hand-moderated game Against The Fall Of Night (ATFON).
Inspired by Mike's Invader. I've designed the Noble Swarm for Advanced RSW. The Swarm starts strong, with hyper-fast fleets (how else could they move between galaxies?) but no industries, and so won't be able to build many new ships.. Swarm ships take twice as many shots to be destroyed, but can fire only 1/2 shot each in combat. Swarm populations grow fast and act somewhat like a Missionary's converts. Complete specs for the Swarm (played by me, of course) are available for pending specialty game "speed2j".
Other players could fall to the Swarm like dominoes, so they'll be wise to ally against the Swarm ASAP. As of this writing, 9 to 12 more players need to join the game before it will start.
Do you have the guts to face the Noble Swarm? If so, you are cordially invited to the slaughter. This is a chance for all of you to gang up on me, and to help determine whether the Swarm specs should be adjusted for future games.
If you haven't yet completed at least 2 RSW games, you won't be able to play specialty games yet. If you have, come and get me!
-- Bruce A. Knight
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