Advice for Beginners

A place for general chatter about games in progress, games completed, strategy advice, bug reports, or really anything at all that relates in some vague way to RSW.
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Advice for Beginners

Post by baknight »

If we want more players, and want them to have fun and stick around, it seems to me that "Advice for Beginners" should be a prominent topic in the RSW forum.
I'm new to RSW but started playing Starweb in 1977, and my openings are always strong. Because common rookie mistakes in the opening can leave a player vulnerable and frustrated, I've written a playbook to help noobs through the opening turns -- one chapter for each of the first several turns.
If there is any interest, I'm willing to post a chapter at a time under this topic. What do you all say?
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Re: Advice for Beginners

Post by drwr »

I'm all for it, it sounds like a great idea. Thanks!
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