Game Setup

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Game Setup

Post by phx1jjm »

Some of these games are hard to fill up if the creator is putting limits on character types.
Example: Torture, is a 3 position game per player, the goal looks like 5 players. But there are only 3 signed up and there are no more Traders to pick. Honestly, why limit character types. Who cares if all 5 players have a trader, all 5 players NEED a trader. What will happen is the 5th player will only be able to play missionary and collector.
I understand balance with character types but honestly can we get past this, if everyone wants to play raider, let them this is about having fun not restricting and limiting the number of players in a game.
I will pass on signing up for Torture, because I want, no I will need a trader to haul for all 3 of my positions.
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Re: Game Setup

Post by St0b0r »

Unless there is a default that I missed, I did not specify any limits in characters.

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Re: Game Setup

Post by esoteric »

I wouldn't emphasize the trader position too much...
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Re: Game Setup

Post by Arioch »

As far as I know there is an otion to limit character types but you need to choose it during game creation... but maybe i am wrong with my memories...
Armageddon has been yesterday - today we are in REAL trouble...
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Re: Game Setup

Post by drwr »

St0b0r is right; this game has the default settings, which is for a balanced number of character types across the game. In a multi-position game, the server still enforces the same game-wide balance; it doesn't attempt to allow each player to have the same three character types as all of the other players. In particular, it doesn't pay particular respect to ensuring that every player can have their own Trader.

You *can* override this, and either particularly limit one of the character types, or particularly unrestrict it; so it would be possible to define a custom game that does allow enough Traders so that each player can have one.

Still, I believe esoteric is right here also: having a Trader isn't necessarily a boon in a multi-position game. It might actually be a burden. Remember, there's no guarantee that your multiple positions will start out next to each other; in fact, they'll probably be far apart, and your Trader will need to haul metal for someone else instead of you if you want him to make any points.

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Re: Game Setup

Post by esoteric »

Right, David, and in other circumstances such as weak starting resources, a trader will serve almost no purpose at all.
The traders advantage is almost strictly numerical rather than tactical and is only numerical past the start of the game (it can be boiled down to a number of ships). You also have a turn of idle for each fleet gift you have to make so that actually does count against the trader 'advantage'.
I'd rather take the Missionary which will give me some extra sight... the Collector is really a waste in any last-man standing game.
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Re: Game Setup

Post by phx1jjm »

In a multi position game all three of your positions are known to each other. Gifting and hauling would not be a detriment, you are guaranteed to haul for your two allied positions, gift away your trader HW and you are unloading on 3 HW's within 2 turns.

A trader can max a HW with 6 5 ship keys per HW, times 3 that is 18 keys working. You would need double if you dont have a trader. Later you would release some trader keys as you build up ships but that is a lot of work released from your allies.

The trader will at a point be unloading 90 industry every turn, that is 720 points. Hard to pass that up.


I will sign up and try it out without a trader.
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Re: Game Setup

Post by drwr »

I'll admit I've never, before now, thought about the potential unbalancing implications of allowing a player's multiple positions to gift each other from turn 1, rather than requiring them to first meet in-game. It does make it particularly easy for a player to start scoring high with a Trader and to use a Trader to advantage on his other positions (accepting the one-turn timeout for each fleet).

Perhaps I should rescind this particular rule, and require your multiple positions to meet in-game before allowing the exchange of gifts.

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Re: Game Setup

Post by St0b0r »

Or perhaps make it (yet) another option.
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Re: Game Setup

Post by phx1jjm »

Emperor-Trader combo, gift HW and fleets to each other on first turn, start points gathering right away. As some say a trader is less effective in a multi game, this slight advantage may be necessary.

You may need it to combat a Missionary-Positronix running around late game PBB converts and population and just scouping up the points in buckets.
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